Monday, 29 August 2011

Evliya Çelebi Way—latest news

Tomorrow, 30 August, is both an important Republican holiday in Turkey and also the first day of the feast of Şeker Bayramı that follows the holy month of Ramazan. A palpable sense of anticipation is in the air, and for we Evliya obsessives too. In only a couple of days time, on 2 September, the third group of equestrian tourers will saddle up and ride from the start of the Evliya Çelebi Way at Hersek village on the Gulf of İzmit, to Evliya's ancestral home in the city of Kütahya. We are particularly excited because this year is, as all are aware, the quatercentenary of his birth. Ercihan will lead the expedition; Susan and Caroline will also be along. The programme is found at:
The guidebook to the EÇW is in the process of distribution, and will be available very soon—from various bookshops, from Kate Clow's site:, and from Cornucopia magazine: It can also be obtained from the dedicated website: (under construction, functioning imminently), and via (that links you to
Pending publication Caroline has done various media appearances in Turkey. Further, an article by her on Evliya will appear in the British popular history magazine History Today (scheduled for the November issue).

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